Deadly Reach

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Revision as of 15:40, 11 September 2011 by TheWanderer (talk | contribs) (Skill Effect)
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Deadly Reach is a Monk skill unlocked at level 5.

This is one of the Monk's Combo skills. Combo skills generate Spirit.


Diablo III Active Skill [e]
Diablo III Logo.jpg
Deadly Reach
Used by: Monk
Enabled at: Clvl 5
Skill Description
Project lines of pure force over a short distance for X% weapon damage. Generates X Spirit per attack.
Type: Combo/Damage
Resource Use: Generates Spirit
Skill Rune Effects
Alabaster rune: Unknown
Crimson rune: Unknown
Golden rune: Unknown
Indigo rune: Unknown
Obsidian rune: Unknown


Skill Design


Skill Effect

Skill Effect
Deadly Reach
(Level 5)

Project lines of pure force over a short distance for 125% weapon damage. Generates 6 Spirit Per Hit

IconCrimson.jpg Foresight The third strike of Deadly Reach increases the damage of all attacks by Y% for X seconds. This effect can stack up to Z times.
IconIndigo.jpg Piercing Trident The second and third strike of the skill have an increased area of effect. Also increases skill damage to X% of weapon damage.
IconObsidian.jpg Scattered Blows The third strike is replaced with an attack that will hit up to X enemies within Y yards for Z weapon damage.
IconGolden.jpg Strike from Beyond Critical hits caused with this skill generate extra Spirit.
IconAlabaster.jpg Keen Eye Critical hit damage for this attack is increased by X% .


Skill Rune Effects

  • No rune effects for Deadly Reach are known.


Deadly Reach was first seen at the July 2011 Press Event, where it was a level 5 skill. Unfortunately, no information about the skill's function was available.


Deadly Reach can be seen in action on video here:

You can find pictures in the Diablo III screenshot and picture gallery:
