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Core tab

Revision as of 08:32, 22 February 2014 by Dan Lawrence (talk | contribs) (Paragon 2.0 Bonuses)

The Core Tab is one of the four tabs of properties that can be boosted by Paragon points. The first Paragon point and every fourth point thereafter can be spent in this tab. Points spent in the Core Tab go to boost the four attributes, Strength, Dexterity, Vitality, or Intelligence. Each paragon point spent adds 5 to each stat.

  • This is part of the Paragon 2.0 system and is subject to change during further development before the system goes live.

Paragon 2.0 Bonuses

There are four tabs, each with four different properties that can be boosted by spending paragon points.

Core Tab Bonuses

  • Dexterity: Up to 50 Paragon points, worth 5 Dexterity points each. (Maximum bonus +250 Dexterity.)
  • Intelligence: Up to 50 Paragon points, worth 5 Intelligence points each. (Maximum bonus +250 Intelligence.)
  • Strength: Up to 50 Paragon points, worth 5 Strength points each. (Maximum bonus +250 Strength.)
  • Vitality: Up to 50 Paragon points, worth 5 Vitality points each. (Maximum bonus +250 Vitality.)
Paragon points in the Core tab as of Gamescom 2013.