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151 bytes removed, 10:32, 1 April 2009
adding info for interface buttons
Here are the equivalent icons from Diablo III, enlarged and brightened for easier comparison. Reading them from left to right, starting on the top row:
* Character seems likely.
* This looks like a hostile button, but last Blizzard spoke, there is no hostile option in Diablo III. A single sword is Inventory on Seeing the mini-panel images in D2, so this might just be an upgrade on thatBlizzcast, but the next icon looks more like swords represent the D3 inventoryskill tree menu.
* Inventory, with a bag icon for storage.
* A Chalice? Unclear what this one does. Probably a quest menu.
* This looks like a Party Menu icon, but it's not clear if there is a party window interface in Diablo III, since with the removal of hostility in games, there's no need for parties; all characters in a regular PvM game are automatically in a party. Still, such a window could be useful for squelching or private messaging other players.
* Gears have become a common icon for the Game Options menu.