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Burning Tower

289 bytes added, 17:56, 11 June 2010
Some possibilities
4) The tower looks like concept art for a structure we’ll see in the game, and that it’s in multiple different pieces of concept art shows that it’s important to the plot. I fully expect my character to battle their way up those sloping stairways on the edge of the structure come D3’s release.
5) The tower is [[Bastion's Keep]], a keep of the [[Children of Bul-Kathos]] kept to defend the Northern Steppes and Mount Arreat from invasion. It has been said that the Monk's artwork depicts a fight at Arreat's Crater, making the burning tower actually [[Bastion's Keep]] being attacked.
Pick one that approximates your view, or make up your own. That’s what the comments are for, after all.
Even if the tower isn’t anything significant, it’s fun to speculate about, and any excuse to look through more of the game art is a good thing.   