Monster Power

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The Monster Power system was introduced into Diablo III in Patch v1.0.5 in October 2012, after being testable on the Diablo 3 Public Test Realm for several weeks. Inspired by the Diablo 2 Players X system, Monster Power allows players to set a level from 0-10 which will increase the difficulty of the game.

With each level of Monster Power, the enemies increase in their hit points and damage. In exchange, players gain greater experience, a bonus to Magic Find and Gold Find, and the potential for bonus item drops.

The rewards and scaling values differ from Normal/Nightmare/Hell vs. Inferno, and playing on even MP1 in Inferno increases all monster levels to 63, creating a big leap in difficulty and item drop potential, especially in Act One.

Enabling Monster Power

To turn on Monster Power players need to open the Options menu and click the check box to enable it. After that all characters of any level, Hardcore and Softcore, can select their desired monster power on the game creation menu, next to the quest selection box, when creating a new game.

Monster Power is displayed on the screen in-game, so players can see what level it is set to when they join a game with MP enabled.

Not in Public Games

Monster Power can only be enabled in solo games or private games with friends. It can not be turned on in public games, due to issues with matchmaking -- players would need to only join games with the MP on a level they found playable, and Blizzard felt the complications of this outweighed the benefits of MP.[1]

It doesn’t work for Public Games. If Monster Power is on, you cannot make your game public. Similarly, when making a public game, Monster Power is disabled.

As you’ve noted, there are a few issues with allowing MP in Public Games:

  • In general, harder content tends to be less enjoyable with random strangers.*
  • It would make matchmaking more difficult by increasing the number of matchmaking pools (one new pool for each MP level). In turn, that could increase wait times for Public Games.
  • Issues associated with “leeching” or similar behavior could be exacerbated, especially if under-geared players chose extremely high Monster Power levels for the games they wanted to be matched into.
Although we love and support co-op, since Monster Power is a new system, we didn’t want to open it up to Public Games just. We’re definitely open to revisiting that idea down the road, though.

Since virtually all knowledgeable players will use Monster Power whenever possible, this seems likely to completely end public games, which are already rarely-used in Diablo III.

Monster Power Stats

Blizzard released full information about the Monster Power effects in mid-October 2012, detailing the exact changes triggered with each level of Monster Power with the aid of some infographics.

Note that the v1.0.5 patch also contained a substantial nerf to overall Inferno difficulty. Playing the game on MP0 in v1.0.5 is considerably easier than it was in previous patches.

Blizzard estimates[2] that MP2-3 is the rough equivalent of v1.0.4's difficulty, though this varies considerably between acts. That equivalency is generally true for Acts 3-4. It's not true for Acts 1 and 2, since the monsters increasing from mlvl 61 and 62 up to 63 makes a big difference in difficulty, as players discovered with early play testing.[3]

Monster Power Pre-Inferno

One key detail is that Monster Power grants very different bonuses and changes while on Normal/Nightmare/Hell difficulties, compared to Inferno difficulty. For the first three difficulties, while characters are still leveling up and not yet finding end game quality gear, the following changes can be enabled.

Monster Power on Normal, Nightmare, or Hell difficulty.

Experienced players generally find playing a new, low or mid-level character on a high Monster Power setting to be very fun and a great way to level up more quickly than usual. [4]

Monster Power on Inferno

Monster Power grants different bonuses and effects on Inferno, giving high end players a very challenging play mode by greatly increasing the hit points and damage of monsters.

Monster Power on the Inferno difficulty.

The key factor not shown in this chart is the fact that all monsters on Inferno instantly become level 63 (the highest level possible for non-bosses) at Monster Level 1 or higher. This effects many game features, and makes them much harder to stun, chill, freeze, knockback, etc.

It also boosts their item level drop potential greatly, and basically "flattens" the Inferno difficulty, granting the monsters in each act the potential to drop the best items in the game.

Item Level drop rates in Inferno on ML1 or higher.

As you can see in the infographic below, there is no change to the item level potential of drops in Act 3 and 4, but with ML1+ monsters in Acts One and Two drop items with the same high level potential as Act 3 and 4.

Chests and Barrels

Monster Power does affect the items found from chests and barrels and other clickable objects, as those are keyed to drop gear similar in level to the monsters in their areas. [5]

Environment objects like chests, barrels, and loose tiles (we call them “gizmos) will all benefit from the iLevel/mLevel change. In patch 1.0.5, items you get from gizmos will now have their affix level determined by the gizmo’s level and not the item’s level.
In terms of Monster Power, gizmos will behave like monsters. At MP1+ in Inferno, gizmos in each act will be bumped up to level 63. (At MP0, nothing changes. They’ll just keep their normal level, like monsters do.)

Crafting, on the other hand, is not affected in any way by the Monster Power level.[6]

Player Reaction and Ramifications

It's not yet clear how players will adopt to the new system. The fact that Monster Power combines with the Paragon system to effectively end the importance of Magic Find as an item stat is lamented by some players, but cheered by others.

It does seem that Monster Power will end public games in Diablo III, since MP does not work in them and all experienced players will be playing with MP enabled, for the much greater rewards it delivers.

Monster Power also seems to end a great deal of gear variety, since the entire goal for most players will be to wear the best survival gear in order to succeed on the highest possible MP level. This point is open to debate though, as Patch 1.0.5 also reduces the difficulty of Inferno by quite a bit, which might open up more varied builds to success... just not on a high level of MP.