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23 bytes removed, 18:05, 23 November 2011
Uldyssian ul-Diomed (which means Uldyssian, son of Diomodes) Diomedes, was once a simple farmer who had a younger brother and some good friends and they all lived their life in a very small village named Seram. Later, Uldyssian meets a strange but beautiful woman who tells her her name is [[Lylia]] and she is here because she is sick of the fighting between the Mage Clans. After a series of events, Uldyssian discovers that he is gaining strange powers that he is trying to manipulate in a positive way. Uldyssian becomes stronger and stronger as these powers awaken and he chooses to set out to new villages and places to gather people that he can show this gift to and he can possibly form an army to destroy the two major sects of Sanctuary: the [[Temple of the Triune]] and the [[Cathedral of Light]]
Uldyssian has [[Nephalem]] ancestry within him and has some of their powers. He can do almost anything from changing weather, causing people to explode, creating shields or simply creating a simple ball of light to see through the dark with. He can also teleport himself and others among amping his strength and healing powers as well as transmuting objects. These powers are based on his will, the more desperate and angry he gets the more powerful his abilities are.