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173 bytes added, 15:53, 4 December 2009
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[[Achievements|Achievement]] - account-based system tied to a player's Blizzard Account ID, tracks achievements in all Blizzard games to determine "Blizzard Level".<br>
[[Battle.Net]] - Blizzard's online match-making component for several of their game franchises. Also known as Bnet.<br>
[[Caster]] - type of class or monster, capable of using ranged magical spells, or spell-like abilities from a distance.<br>
[[Debuff]] - generally a non-permanent attribute added to a unit, affecting it directly or indirectly negatively for a period of time.<br>
[[ESport]] - games played competitively at amateur and professional levels. Diablo III is not being developed with this in mind.<br>
[[FFA|Free For All]] - multiplayer PvP games in which every player is fighting every other player, rather than taking turns or working in teams. Also known as FFA.<br>
[[Gambling]] - spending a large amount of gold at an [[NPC]] merchant on an item that you do not know what it does until it's purchased.
[[Guild]] - a group of players who regularly play together.<br>
[[Hardcore]] - mortal characters. Once dead, always dead. No respawn. Confirmed for Diablo III. Also known as HC.<br>
[[Iterative]] - means to repeatedly go over elements of the game, as a development team, changing and building on to improve the game.<br>
[[Knockback]] - [[Skill]] or [[item]] effect that pushes opponent backwards.
[[Ladder]] - official ranking of characters measured by experience. Not comfirmed as being in Diablo III.<br>
[[Magic find]] - magical property found on some items which increases the odds of finding higher quality items. Also known as MF.<br>
[[Nerf]] - usually refers to changes in a patch where a class, race or other classification of the game has been lowered quality or efficiency.<br>
[[Passive skill]] - skill that adds bonuses all the time once points are placed into them. Not used directly for attacks. They are the opposite of Active Skills.<br>
[[Proc]] - Chance of a [[skill]] or [[item]] effect to be activated under certain circumstances.
[[Quest]] - a set task to achieve a goal and be rewarded with experience, gold and/or items, not necessarily mandatory.<br>
[[Reroll]] - starting a new character.<br>
[[Scripted Events|Scripted Event]] - randomly generated small, quest-like actions when the monsters or NPCs behave in an unusual fashion that's been programmed in advance.<br>
[[Treasure Class]] - how item drops are organised. Also known as TC.<br>