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Greater Rifts

423 bytes added, 10:50, 26 June 2014
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Blizzard revealed the first details about Greater Rifts in a [[Patch 2.1]] preview blog on June 17, 2014.[]
<blue>To access a Greater Rift, simply complete a regular Nephalem Rift in any difficulty. When you defeat the Rift Guardian, they’ll have a chance to drop a Greater Rift Key. You can then use this new key at the Nephalem Obelisk, similar to other Rift Fragments — this will open a Greater Rift. If you have members in your party, each player will be prompted to use one of their own Greater Rift keys to join the fun! ... While Greater Rifts are a type of Nephalem Rift, there are some key differences between the two features. In Greater Rifts:
* You’ll race against a clock to fill a progress bar by accruing monster kills.
* Most monsters do not drop loot; rewards have been completely shifted to the Rift Guardian.