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Coven's Criterion

Coven's Criterion.

Coven's Criterion is a legendary shield found only in Reaper of Souls. This item can be found and equipped by any class, though shields are used mostly by Crusaders (around 80%), occasionally by Barbarians and Monks, and almost never by Wizards, Witch Doctors, and Demon Hunters.

This item is found only from Act Two Horadric Caches.

The Smart Drop system ensures that this shield will usually roll with the mainstat appropriate to the class that finds it. Shields do not roll with +skill bonuses as random primary affixes.

Coven's Criterion propertiesEdit

This item has a powerful defensive bonus from the legendary affix, greatly increasing the amount of damage absorbed with each block. It also carries inherent bonuses to increased blocking chance, all resistances, and vitality, making for a very solid defensive item, though lacking in inherent mainstat or critical hit chance (the usual target with an enchant).

  • All stats listed in the database scale up to the level of this item when dropped.
  • See the sample screenshots below to see how this item will roll at level 70.

Coven's Criterion: Legendary shield

  • Minimum Item Level: 15
  • Minimum Clvl Req: 12
  • Armor: 88–101
  • +13.0 %–23.0% Chance to Block
  • (42-53) - (50-74) Block Amount

Primary Affixes:

  • +(36-44) Vitality
  • +(11-20) All Resistance
  • +3% Chance to Block
  • +1 random primary affix

Secondary Affixes:

  • You take (45-60)% less damage from blocked attacks.
  • +1 random secondary affixes

By bearing the arms of your enemy, you risk surrendering
that which divides you from your foe.

Salvages into:

Item ExamplesEdit

Several examples of this item equipped on level 70 characters can be seen below. View hundreds more samples of the Coven's Criterion via DiabloNut's armory.
