Gnarled Walker

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Gnarled Walkers are Demons.

The only type of this monster yet seen is called the Wood Wraith, but they are called Gnarled Walkers in the concept art, and that seems a more likely name for the entire monster type.

Gnarled Walkers are not just living, Ent-like trees, but are demonic, possessed um... trees. From the concept art they look to be things, mad plants, rather than individual entities. They do not have faces, and they are not bipedal bodies formed from wood. They are literally demonic trees, soulless and mindless and deformed by the dark magics that have animated them.

In combat they are strictly melee fighters, using their bulk and power to deal heavy damage to any targets they can reach.


The official site has some background information on Gnarled Walkers, from which the following excerpt is taken:

According to Master DeSoto, the Festering Wood derives its name from the fact that everything in it seethes and roils with evil intent: even the ground itself has been known to rise up and devour a person. When pushed further in regards to the gnarled walkers specifically, he pontificated at length as to their true nature. He maintained they are vile mystical creatures from another realm who can only sustain their existence in our world by sapping life energy from men or animals. These heinous beings have shifted their appearance to that of trees, thereby luring their prey close so as to consume it whole and enrich their reserves of dark power. These beastly things move ponderously, and some are known to exude a foul stench that poisons their victims. Master DeSoto is certain the origin of the walkers, and of the Festering Wood itself, can be traced to the foul doings of necromancers, who he claims are responsible for much of the evil that has befallen our world. He expounded in full to me his theory that the "whole Diablo incident", as he called it, was tied up in their dark arts as well.


See screenshots and concept art of Gnarled Walkers in the Image Gallery.

Wood wraith concept art. Scary, isn't it?