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4,739 bytes added, 14:16, 5 November 2008
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#REDIRECT '''Undead''' are one of the three classifications of [[monster]]s in [[Diablo II]]. All monsters belong to one of the classifications in Diablo II, and certain spells or [[item]]s are more effective against different types of monsters.  It's not known if these classifications will return in [[Diablo III]], but we're using it since it's a convenient way to sort things, until official information is released.  The three classifications of monsters we use in Diablo III are:* [[Animals]] - Feral, unintelligent enemies.* [[Demons]] - Mostly Sinister, sentient monsters from [[Hell]].* [[Objects]] - Stationary obstacles, like traps.* [[Undead]] - Varying types of re-animated corpses, mostly from humans.  ==Undead==The '''Undead''' classification is for several types of corpse or skeleton reanimation. A [[Witch Doctor]] is capable of summoning undead monsters to help him in battle, but mostly it refers to enemies of the player. The undead monsters vary greatly in appearance and intelligence.  ==Skeletal Types==A lot of undead comes in the shape of a [[skeleton]], or a skeletal construct. As necromantic magic works, it doesn't have to be pieces of one single old skeleton, but it can be pieces from a number of corpses. As [[Ab al-Hazir]] says in his [[Writings_of_Abd_al-Hazir:_Entry_no._0008|entry on the Skeletal Undead]], it's up to the [[Necromancer]] or mage that reanimates a skeleton on how much energy he infuses it with, and the intelligence and power of the skeleton varies greatly. Some are nothing more than a brainless shell, attacking with limbs or simple tools, while others have enough intellect to use more complex tools like bows, and powerful ones can cast spells and even summon additional skeletons themselves, making a skeletal army potentially very powerful. There are also truly powerful skeletal undead, like [[King Leoric]], which is infused by the power of his tormented soul in addition to dark magic.  ==Corpse Types==There is a great assortment of undead creatures. Some are restless spirits trapped in their bodies, and others are animated by [[Necromancer]]s, mages or [[demon]]s. In some cases, several different corpses are built together to serve some other perverse use for the hordes of [[Hell]]. An example of this is the [[Grotesque]].  ===Ghouls===[[Ghoul]]s are some sort of reanimated corpse but nothing like slow shambling [[zombie]]s; the ghouls are fast and uncanny, running hunched over in a bestial, almost quadrupedal style. They climb quickly and leap out at the player from all angles, scaling a huge wall to get into the action. They seem somewhat intelligent in that they can also wield weapons, such as swords.  ===Zombies===[[Zombie]]s can be both re-animated corpses straight out of a grave, which require very little [[magic]] energy to give a basic motivation (braaaains...) of destructive power or a restless spirit of the former inhabitant of the body, awakening again after death, looking for others to inflict this pain. Zombies are generally completely void of intelligence, and the wounds they received prior to their death often slows them down, making them dangerous primarily only in large numbers. They are the most basic sort of undead, often thought of as even less troublesome than [[Skeleton]]s. The one thing they have as an advantage is usually that they can take more physical punishment before they are destroyed, and the force or spirit that drives them is removed/expelled. ===Mummies===Mummies are usually powerful warriors or kings stored in great tombs of the [[Sanctuary]] desert tombs, and when reanimated, they will react similar to [[Zombie]]s. The difference is their power and capabilities of spreading disease easier. No mummy type enemies have been announced for [[Diablo III]] yet.  ==Construct Typers=="Construct" undead can be made up of both bone and dead flesh. An undead is a "construct" if it is made up of more parts than the average corpse would have. The only example we have seen so far is a flesh construct, called the [[Grotesque]], but it's likely that we might see more sorts, and even bone constructs before the launch of [[Diablo 3]].  ==Higher Undead==Most general types of undead never reach a point where they are truly sentient, and even then, they are usually slaves to some sort of master that resurrected them. However, if enough dark magical power is infused in a corpse, skeleton or a skeletal construct, they can attain sentience, and even outdo their former master. Examples of this is classically Liches or Vampires, who often in turn raise lower undead as servants and guards. Besides [[King Leoric]], no other "Higher" undead has been announced for [[Diablo 3]].  {{stub}} [[category:CategoryMonsters]][[category:Undead]]